Our Vows

To me, love encompasses many things

It means taking the good with the bad

It means going with the ups and the downs

It's sticking by someone when they need it the most

It means not taking someone for granted

It means swallowing your pride sometimes and compromising

It means joking and laughter and fun

It means being able to be a complete goofball with someone because they accept that about you

It's spending time with someone, fondly remembering the past, enjoying the present, and looking forward to the future together.

With love meaning all of this, I promise to love you for the rest of our lives.

My guy, my buddy, my Joseph.


I, Joseph, take you, Joanne, to be my wife

To be by your side in love and friendship

To share with you all of life's joys and sorrows

To make you laugh when you feel like crying (and even when you don't)

To never take you for granted and always be the man you married

To make life fun and adventurous

To be your buddy always